• Braziltwin posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hello. I”m married to a gambler. About little more than two years ago he promised to stop gambling after he racked up a 5,000 credit card. His gambling has gotten better but he’s still gambling. And last year alone he spent about 3,500 that I know of. Might not seem much. But we have three kids and every $1 he spends he’s taking it away from our kids. I constantly work overtime to get our debt down and then i see he’s still gambling away money. Even if it’s $5 bets they add up. What do i do to get him to stop? I’m at the end of my rope.

    • Good morning. I can understand your fear. I think this website may assist you as a family member of a compulsive gambler. https://www.gam-anon.org/.

    • You cant do anything to make him stop. GET support
      I did this
      I did it to my husband
      I wish he gave me live and support to help me stop
      To understand I needed help
      I hope this helps a little
      It destroyed my marriage
      I very much can relate to your post

      • Thank you.

      • I’m hiding it, he will just kick me out. It’s not about the money though. I’ve not spent any of his and all my end of things is looking good as far as he’s concerned. I now have taken from my retirement savings and a loan, actually I almost had 1 paid off but I was able to get more and continue on the loan. I do not know anything about your situation Braziltwin other than what you’ve shared. I’m very sorry for your struggles. I don’t think you can “make” him. I would leave him. He either makes the right decision or not. But you do need to stop the ciaos that it causes. Sorry if that seems blunt. I have rewritten it a few times.. BUT what the heck do I know I’m just hiding it! lol

    • Hi, I am a compulsive gambler and I hurt my family financially. Your husband is not thinking with a clear mind. I can only assume his intension was to help the family not hurt them. I am not belittling what he did at all. I am just giving you a glance from this side of the addiction. As the money is critical, the addiction is destroying him inside in worse ways. Try to reach past the wall of shame in him to the good inside him you know is there. Speak to the hurting soul and offer understanding. Let him know that you know if would just let his guard down long enough to speak to someone, read a book, watch a video, it may wake something up inside him. Just a thought from the other side.