December 4th Online Friday meeting- “Open Topic”
Join Ken for this weekly chat session Fridays 5pm to 6pm EST
Go to ‘Chat’ to find the room
Join Ken for this weekly chat session Fridays 5pm to 6pm EST
Go to ‘Chat’ to find the room
Members can now send private messages to each other that can be picked up later or read straight away. To access your messages, or send messages, click on the ‘Inbox’ (with the the letter icon) at the top right of the screen next to ‘Your Profile.’ When you go to the message box you can…
A picture says a thousand words! Personalize your posts by adding a picture or avatar to your profile. Then, every post you make will be a little more personal. To add a picture, go to ‘Your Profile’ at the top right of the screen and upload your picture. Note: You can also change other details…
Join Ken for this weekly chat session Fridays 5pm to 6pm EST
Go to ‘Chat’ to find the room
So, here we are at the new Gamtalk site, it looks good don’t you think? Yesterday’s launch went pretty smoothly with a few small hitches that we ironed out. Let us know if you are having any difficulties, or if you notice something that doesn’t seem quite right. It takes a while to make sure…
Since Gamtalk began in 2008 we have undergone quite a few changes. The number of visitors and members at gamtalk has steadily increased and we now help people from right across North America, Europe, Australia and several other places in between. We have learned quite a lot along the way and shared a lot of…
Story summary: Both of Kens parents were compulsive gamblers and Ken began playing pinball at the age of ten, partly to escape from his Father’s alcoholic tendencies. Later he switched from playing pinball to slot machines. As an adult Ken’s problems with gambling started when he gambled to alleviate the stress from his job. Things got so bad, that in 2002 Ken contemplated suicide but was saved by a chance meeting with some Christians and after watching two movies about recovery. Ken called GA and attended a meeting where he was filled with hope. With the support of Gamblers Anonymous counseling and connections at sites like Gamtalk Ken hasn’t placed a bet One Day At A Time since June 13th 2002.